Tuesday, September 25, 2018

terms from last nights HW

Water cycle- the process of water going around our planet- never new water- just changes form
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection/runoff

Water contamination- when pollutants enter bodies of water (oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, aquifers, groundwater
à pipes, city water, drinking water)
·      Dissolved oxygen- the amount of oxygen available in the water- plants make oxygen for the air, some dissolves into the water- varies with depth

Water quality- to see if your water is healthy or clean, make sure it doesn’t have any bad chemicals in it- the tests you can do on your water

Turbidity- how cloudy the water is

Dissolved solids in water- when solids/chemicals from the ground/pipes dissolve into the water

Chemical vs. biological water contamination
Chemical- chemicals in the water (ex: pesticides)
Biological- LIVING things (ecoli, bacteria, virus, parasites)



How do you know the water is healthy?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Act 2 does it dissolve

answer key for data table

model example

Act. 2 Does it Dissolve Challenge Questions: (DOK 1-4)
Make sure you RECYCLE the question in your answer and answer in complete sentences. ELABORATE! Some questions are easier than others- work together!

1.    What substances were the solutes and which are the solvents?    DOK 1
The substances that were the solutes were: sodium chloride (NaCl), and calcium chloride (CaCl)
The solvents used were: water, mineral oil, and ethanol.

2.   Which solvent/solute pairs dissolved completely? What is your evidence? DOK 3
The solvent/solute pairs that dissolved completely were: water and sodium chloride
The evidence for this is that: When we mixed water and sodium chloride, the salt disappeared into the water. There were no more particles on the bottom. It made a solution of salt water.

3.    A substance that dissolves in water can be described as soluble in water. List four solids that you think are soluble in water. DOK 4

Four solids that are soluble in water are: sugar, salt, baking soda, and infant formula, kool aid, crystal light, powdered lemonade, (food coloring)

4.    Insoluble means a solid does NOT dissolve in water. List 3 solids that do not dissolve in water.  DOK 4
The 3 solids that do not dissolve in water are… cornstarch, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, plastic, sand, and pepper.

5.    Must a mixture be clear to be a solution? Explain. (hint: solution is defined as when the solute dissolves into the solvent ex: sugar dissolves fully into water)    DOK 3 or 4
___NO______, a mixture __does not______ need to be clear to be a solution. Not all solutions are clear. For example, food coloring in water is not clear but forms a solution. Red sugar sprinkles will dissolve into a solution, but the solution will be red, not clear.

6.    Imagine that the tested solids are considered water pollutants. Which would be easiest to remove form the water? Explain your answer. DOK 4

The easiest solid to remove from the water is…. Sodium chloride can be boiled and the water will evaporate and leave the salt pollutant behind. Other dissolved solutes are more difficult to remove.

7.    List at least two ways that water’s ability to dissolve substances can be helpful to people and living organisms. DOK 4

2 ways that water dissolving can be helpful to people and living organisms is by making the water filled with good nutrients like fluoride for our teeth. Also, making salt water can help clean and kill germs in our mouths. Dissolving sugar and water is used to make different drinks.

8.    List at least two ways that water’s ability to dissolve substances can be harmful to people and living organisms. DOK 3-4
2 ways that water dissolving can be harmful is:
·        Bad chemicals can dissolve into the water and we won’t know they are there
·        Bad germs can dissolve into the water and we can’t see and we can get sick
·        Water borne diseases

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Things to Research about water (take notes in modeling NB)

water cycle
water contamination
dissolved oxygen
water quality
dissolved solids in water
chemical vs. biological water contamination

how do you know the water is healthy?

dissolved oxygen video


Act 2: Does it Dissolve?

worked on finishing up landslide initial models with group and summary table row 1 completed. 
Finished land, air, water word sort and added all of our LANDSLIDE CAUSES. Keep in binder! 

We then worked on 5 discussion questions with our table about construction and how it negatively impacts the land, water, and ecosystems. Complete 5 questions for HW. 

word sort

causes of landslides

act 1- where should we build? CONSTRUCTION QUES

Ice Cream Social at 6:30 

Began act 2: does it dissolve? 
HW: finish models in modeling notebook- with color and symbols! and data table 

data table extra copy

challenge questions to answer extra copy

Don't know how to flip the picture- sorry!

Unit 1: Land, Water, and Human Interactions SUMMARY TABLE to be filled in after each phenomena and lab activity. Turned in at end of unit for a big grade! DO NOT LOSE! 

Also- are you checking my blog and powerschool every night?? you should be! 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Landslide Anchoring Phenomena Videos

HW TONIGHT- make sure your model in your notebook is finished and research landslides for 15 mins.

golf cart filming landslide

trees/water landslide from a boat

Malibu landslide

News cast on Landslides:

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

This week in science class

Please turn in your signed lab safety contract ASAP!

For science class- materials needed:
1" 3 ring binder (with class policies as page one)
composition notebook
colored pencils/markers

We did a getting to know your lab group activity Friday and a Science Vocabulary A to Z on Tuesday.
This week we will be doing a textbook scavenger hunt
working on our first unit- LAND, WATER, and HUMAN INTERACTIONS unit cover page
and then hopefully starting the NGSS process with a milk lab, model, and summary table.

We need to also get set up our powerschool log ins and take a pre test.

Stay organized and remember to check my blog every night!