Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Act 2: Does it Dissolve?

worked on finishing up landslide initial models with group and summary table row 1 completed. 
Finished land, air, water word sort and added all of our LANDSLIDE CAUSES. Keep in binder! 

We then worked on 5 discussion questions with our table about construction and how it negatively impacts the land, water, and ecosystems. Complete 5 questions for HW. 

word sort

causes of landslides

act 1- where should we build? CONSTRUCTION QUES

Ice Cream Social at 6:30 

Began act 2: does it dissolve? 
HW: finish models in modeling notebook- with color and symbols! and data table 

data table extra copy

challenge questions to answer extra copy

Don't know how to flip the picture- sorry!

Unit 1: Land, Water, and Human Interactions SUMMARY TABLE to be filled in after each phenomena and lab activity. Turned in at end of unit for a big grade! DO NOT LOSE! 

Also- are you checking my blog and powerschool every night?? you should be!