Wednesday, October 3, 2018

need help with activity 9 analysis 2 and 5? Check here!

1.     a.)  Changes to the water cycle can affect the environment by if it’s too hot and intense sunlight, evaporation can increase, causing drought.
b.)  Changes to the environment caused by contamination are that contaminants do not change to gas during evaporation. The water is evaporated into the air and the contaminants are left behind.

a.) Major human impacts on the water cycle are:
·        Greenhouse gases by human activities- global warming- more heat, more evaporation
·        Dam a river- forms a lake and reduces the water
·        Drought caused by removing lots of surface water
·        Extract groundwater- can increase evaporation
·        Melting of glaciers and ice sheets- increased the amount of water in oceans
·        More condensation, more clouds act as a blanket and make the planet warmer
·        More weather events
b. - Major human impacts on water quality are: (aka how humans make water quality poor)
·        Human activities release contaminants such as nitrogen, salts, pesticides, metals, harmful organisms, and even medicines into the water.
·        Agricultural and industry
·        Populations of organisms decrease
·        Agricultural water pollutants: nitrates, phosphates, disease causing organisms, sediments
·        Industrial water pollutants: acids, mining, toxic metals, cleaning solvents  
·        Sediments and erosion from construction on the land

5.) Ways humans can mitigate, or lessen, the impact on Earth’s water is:
·        Use less chemicals- only the ones we need
·        Lessen greenhouse gases released into the air and water
·        Create less pollution
·        Lessen erosion and run off
·        Clean up oil spills and other contamination before it enters water supply
·        Clean wastewater before it reenters environment
·        Reduce water use