Friday, September 6, 2019

First Week of Science--- COMPLETE!


All A team kids know how to log into powerschool to check grades!

Parents: go to toronline (tor website)
scroll down to the star that says- powerschool

username: student ID number
password is now: 87654321

You will be able to see their classes and click on the grade to see individual assignments for that class. PLEASE CHECK POWERSCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD EVERY NIGHT

Next week in science class:

Monday: we will be sharing our plant models with your lab group and working on your group model- make sure you know HOW A SEED TURNS INTO A PLANT- have all the terms from the gotta have it list.

Tuesday: finish group models

Wednesday:  gossipy grade and summary table

Thursday: cover page for first unit

Friday: textbook scavenger hunt for first unit

Extra copies:
gossipy grading

summary table

causes of landslides hints

landslide reading...