Thursday, January 23, 2020

Modeling Tips!

·         Models are either individual, partner, or group 
o    Always do an individual model first in your notebook to get YOUR ideas down before being influenced by others opinions

·         Always have a rubric and gotta have it list with what needs to be on the model 
o    Read over these carefully prior to starting your model!

·         Students given a focused essential question to ‘draw’ or ‘model’ the answer ex: “what causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes on Earth?”
o    Research this question online- watch videos, discuss the answer out loud, write notes in your notebook- make sure you are sure of the answer before you start drawing!

·         Students do many labs and activities to answer this question before they are expected to model/draw it 
o    Go back in your notes and review these for help!

·         analysis questions to answer/we go over to ensure they know the answer to the essential question before drawing it 
o    Go back in your notes and review these for help! Go to blog and look at Miss Klein’s answer key too!

·         Students need to make an individual model first with their own ideas then discuss with their table before making the group model
o    Again- Always do an individual model first in your notebook to get YOUR ideas down before being influenced by others opinions