Write down EVERY
speech bubble and the 4 evidence bubbles
What do you see
when you look at the continents of the Earth? Like SA and Africa?
Alfred Wegener was
a German meteorologist- he looked at a lot of maps and noticed the puzzle
pieces. He came up with the idea of Pangea and how it was ripped apart.
Wegner felt- The continents
are moving! And came up with proof
Super continent of
Pangea- the supercontinents 250 MYA
“Entire Earth”
4 pieces of
evidence that Wegner put together to prove Pangea drifted
1- The continents appear to fit together – the
apparent fit of the continents
coastlines of the continents fit together like the pieces of a puzzle
fossils- mesosaurus ancient reptile- can only be found eastern SA and the
western coast of Africa – only in fresh water
correlation (matching up fossils on either side of the ocean)
rock and mountain correlation- identical rocks and mountain structure
Paleoclimate data- bituminous coal- coal has been found in cold regions and
glacial evidence has been found in warm regions
Plate Tectonics Model
Write on top of paper:
What causes MOUNTAINS, VOLCANOES, & EQ on Earth and how has the surface of Earth changed over time?
*answer the 8 questions
*show Miss Klein to make sure they are correct
*draw the answers to the 8 questions in the boxes
*Figure Out: WHAT DO ALL 8 mini models have in common??
*Draw big model - USE ACT 10 MODEL PACKET (simulation)
*highlight plate boundaries on map provided (arrows) color the land (continents green)
*highlight Ring of Fire on map provided (map of the world showing major countries) label the oceans